Writing plugins

Tupi supports extention throught plugins using the go’s plugin interface. Every plugin may have an OPTIONAL Init function for the plugins initialization. The Init function gets a domain and a reference to a config map and returns an error

package main

func Init(domain string, conf *map[string]any) error {
     // do something
     return nil

Serve plugin

To create a serve plugin you must implement a function named Serve the get three params: A http.ResponseWriter, a reference to http.Request, a domain and a referece to a config map.

package main

import "net/http"

func Serve(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, conf *map[string]any) (bool, int, []byte) {
    w.Write([]bytes("everything ok!"))

Authentication plugin

To create an authentication plugin you must implement a function named Authenticate that get three params: A reference to http.Request, a domain and a reference to a config map and returns a bool and a int indicating if the authentication was successfull or not and the http status to be returned in case of failed authentication.

package main

import "net/http"

func Authenticate(r *http.Request, domain string, conf *map[string]any) (bool, int) {
        if r.Host == "test.localhost" {
                return true, 200
        return false, 403

To compile the plugin you need to use -buildmode=plugin and -trimpath flags:

$ go build -o my_plugin.so -buildmode=plugin -trimpath my_plugin.go

Now in your tupi config file you need to pass the path of the plugin.

AuthPlugin = "/path/to/my_plugin.so"
AuthPluginConf = {
    "something": "the-value"

Check Config file for more information on the tupi config file.


Being built upon the go’s plugin mechanism, tupi plugins inherit its caveats:

  • Plugins are Linux/BSD only.

  • The main application and the plugins must be compiled with the same version of the compiler.

  • Plugins can’t be unloaded and in the case of tupi plugins can’t be reloaded. Once a plugin is loaded the only way to reload it is restarting the server.